My Books

Lemonade Girls

Now in its third printing!
Chavi, Devorah, Shiffy, and Avigayil are the Lemonade Girls — good friends who refuse to let life’s setbacks get them down. Follow along as they open a gemach, almost ruin a fancy fundraising dinner, try to win the Wacky Snacky candy contest, get lost on a hike, and more. These girls have grit — and your daughter can too!

Invisible Tribe

A remarkable, much-needed book that has been seven years (and my entire lifetime) in the making.

An illustrated story collection that offers encouragement, insights, and fun to Jewish children ages 8-13 who are coping with the loss of a parent.


Catch that Crook

Avi Neuman and Shlomo Bernstein never have time to be bored. An innocent visit to a retirement home leads to…trouble. A simple swap at a secondhand shop leads to…more trouble. And their trips to Warsaw and Tzefas bring the most trouble of all. The boys are determined to catch all the crooks. So why are the cops chasing after them?! Come along with Avi and Shlomo as they solve two modern-day mysteries that have deep, dark, historical roots. 

These books are available from Menucha Publishers.
