Journey with
this wordsmith for a bit...
this wordsmith for a bit...
Welcome to my creative world.
Writing is both my profession and my calling. It’s my way of improving the world, one meaningful, carefully weighed word at a time.

I try to make myself a fitting vessel so impactful stories, articles, and books can be sent to the world through me.
So far I have shepherded over 200 books to print and written 3 of my own. (Shoemaker’s kids and all that…)
Take a few minutes to check out some of my past and current projects.
Is a meaningful collaboration in our future?

"Sara Miriam recently wrote an ad for me. I was extremely pleased with the quality of her work. After a short conversation with some pointed questions, I felt that she understood what I wanted to convey. When she sent me the finished product, my reaction was "Wow, you really got me. And you expressed it so well. And I don't even have to make any changes." In addition, the way she sent it was professional, clear and easy to work with. "

Leora Gruen
Career & Life Direction Coaching
Career & Life Direction Coaching
"Mrs. Gross has done a fantastic job editing my textbooks: Fundamentals of Life Science, and Anatomy & Physiology. Her suggestions and input have contributed greatly to the readability and content. Having a great editor like Mrs. Gross makes writing so much easier since I can rely on her to catch my mistakes and upgrade the quality of my works. I highly recommend her for any editing project."

Rabbi Yaakov Luban
Jewish Center for Science
Jewish Center for Science
"Sara Miriam is a joy to work with! Between her writing workshops on our hotline and her creative short stories that appear in our publications, Little Links of Pearls and Shlomie's Club, I find her never short on ideas and always quick to produce quality work!"

Sarah Rivkah Kohn
Links Family
Supporting grieving children & teens
Links Family
Supporting grieving children & teens
Let's Work Together
I’ll bring your insights and important messages to the world.
?משווקים לשוק האמריקאי? רוצים לבנות מותג חזק שידבר לקהל היעד שלכם
?מוסד או ארגון שמחפש תורמים שיראו בתרומה זכות ולא חובה
אנחנו מציעים תרגום של קופירייטינג וקריאייטיב מעברית לאנגלית, וכן יצירת חומרים חדש
ראיונות בעברית והפקת קופירייטינג קליט באנגלית
אתרים מודעות פרוספקטים כתבות ועוד